
Sources for Lyrics
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lyrics sources
  Peter Abelard. Poems. Translated by George F. Whicher. In The Goliard Poets. 1949. Reprint. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1965.
Abbot Adam of Angers. Poem. Translated by Helen Waddell. In Medieval Latin Lyrics. New York: Norton, 1977.
Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth. Edited by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In Loeb Classical Library Aeschylus II. 1926. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
-----. Eumenides. Translated by George Thomson. In Aeschylus. New York: Dell, 1965.
-----. Libation-Bearers. Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth. Edited by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In Loeb Classical Library Aeschylus II. 1926. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
-----. The Persians. Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth. In Loeb Classical Library Aeschylus I. 1922. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966.
-----. The Seven Against Thebes. Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth. In Loeb Classical Library Aeschylus I. 1922. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966.
-----. The Suppliant Maidens. Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth. In Loeb Classical Library Aeschylus I. 1922. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966.
Anonymous. Carmina Burana. Translated by George F. Whicher. In The Goliard Poets. 1949. Reprint. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1965.
Jean Anouilh. Medea. Translated by Luce and Arthur Klein. Edited by Eric Bentley. In The Modern Theatre, Volume Five. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1957.
Aristophanes. The Birds. Translated by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. In Loeb Classical Library Aristophanes II. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. The Ecclesiazusae. Translated by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. In Loeb Classical Library Aristophanes III. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. The Frogs. Translated by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. In Loeb Classical Library Aristophanes II. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. The Peace. Translated by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. In Loeb Classical Library Aristophanes II. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. The Thesmophoriazusae. Translated by Benjamin Bickley Rogers.In Loeb Classical Library Aristophanes III. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
Aliki Barnstone and Willis Barnstone, editors. A Book of Women Poets from Antiquity to Now. 1980. Reprint. New York: Schocken, 1992.
Pierre Bersuire. Ovidius Moralizatus. In The Idea of the Labyrinth: from Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages by Penelope Reed Doob. 1990. Reprint. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
June Rachuy Brindel. Ariadne. New York: St. Martins Press, 1980.
Roberto Calasso. Le nozze di Cadmo e Armonia. 1988. Reprint. Milano: Adelphi, 1995.
Callimachus. Aetia, Iambi, Hecale, and Other Fragments. In The Loeb Classical Library Callimachus. Edited and Translated by C.A. Trypanis. 1958. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.
David A. Campbell, editor and translator. The Loeb Classical Library Greek Lyric I: Sappho and Alcaeus. Revised. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.
-----. The Loeb Classical Library Greek Lyric II: Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral Lyric from Olympus to Alcman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988.
-----. The Loeb Classical Library Greek Lyric III: Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991.
-----. The Loeb Classical Library Greek Lyric IV: Bacchylides, Corinna, and Others. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.
-----. The Loeb Classical Library Greek Lyric V: The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993.
Catullus. The Poems of Catullus. Translated by Peter Whigham. New York: Penguin, 1966.
-----. Gai Valeri Catullus Liber. Translated by Francis Warre Cornish. In The Loeb Classical Library Catullus, Tibullus, Pervigilium Veneris. 1913. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Geoffrey Chaucer. The House of Fame. Translated by Brian Stone. In Love Visions. New York: Penguin, 1983.
-----. The House of Fame. Edited by John H. Fisher. In The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1977.
-----. The Legend of Ariadne. Edited by John H. Fisher. In The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1977.
-----. The Legend of Ariadne. Translated by Brian Stone. In Love Visions. New York: Penguin, 1983.
Donald E. Ericson. Abelard and Heloise: Their Lives, Their Love, Their Letters. New York: Bennett - Edwards, 1990.
Euripides. The Bacchaanals. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. The Bacchae. Translated by Richard Vellacott. In The Bacchae and Other Plays. Baltimore: Penguin, 1954.
-----. Bacchants. Translated by Moses Hadas and John McLean. In Ten Plays by Euripides. New York: Bantam, 1960.
-----. The Children of Heracles. Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.
-----. The Children of Hercules. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. Daughters of Troy. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides I. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988.
-----. Electra. Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
-----. Helen. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides I. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988.
-----. Heracles. Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
-----. Hippolytus. Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.
-----. Iphigeneia at Aulus. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides I. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988.
-----. The Madness of Hercules. Translated by A.S. Way. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
-----. Medea. Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
-----. Suppliant Women . Translated by David Kovacs. In The Loeb Classical Library Euripides III. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
-----. Trojan Women. Translated by Moses Hadas and John McLean. In Ten Plays by Euripides. New York: Bantam, 1960.
-----. The Women of Troy. Translated by Richard Vellacott. In The Bacchae and Other Plays. Baltimore: Penguin, 1954.
Jean Giradoux. Electra. Translated by Winifred Smith. Edited by Eric Bentley. In The Modern Theatre, Volume One. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1955.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Faust. Translated by Walter Arndt. Edited by Cyrus Hamlin. New York: Norton, 1976.
John Gower. Confessio Amantis. Translated by Terence Tiller. Baltimore: Penguin, 1963.
-----. Confessio Amantis. Edited by Russell A. Peck. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1968.
Battista Guarini. Il pastor fido (The Faithful Shepherd). Translated by Richard Fanshawe. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1976.
Jane Hirshfield, editor. Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women. 1994. Reprint. New York: HarperPerennial, 1995.
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin, 1990.
-----. The Iliad. Translated by Augustus Taber Murray. In The Loeb Classical Library The Iliad I. 1924. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978.
-----. The Odyssey. Translated by Robert Fagles. New York: Viking, 1996.
-----. The Odyssey. Translated by Augustus Taber Murray. In The Loeb Classical Library The Odyssey I. Revised by George E. Dimock. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Stéphane Mallarmé. L'après-midi d'un faune. Translated by C.F. MacIntyre. In Stéphane Mallarmé: Selected Poems. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957.
Ovid. Heroides. Translated by Harold Isbell. New York: Penguin, 1990.
-----. Heroides. Translated by Grant Showerman. In The Loeb Classical Library Ovid I. Revised by G.P. Goold. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.
-----. Metamorphoses. Translated by A. D. Melville. 1986. Reprint. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
-----. Metamorphoses. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Ovid III. Revised by G.P. Goold. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
-----. Metamorphoses. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Ovid IV. Revised by G.P. Goold. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
D.L. Page, translator. Select Papyri: Literary Papyri, Poetry. In The Loeb Classical Library Select Papyri III. 1941. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Pindar. Olympian Odes. Translated by William H. Race. In The Loeb Classical Library Pindar I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Luigi Pirandello. Erma Bifronte. In Labyrinth: Studies on an Archetype by Gaetano Cipolla. New York: Legas, 1987.
Prudentius. A Reply to Address of Symmachus. Translated by. H.J. Johnson. In The Loeb Classical Library Prudentius II. 1953. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
Jean Racine. Electra. Translated by Winifred Smith. Edited by Robert W. Corrigan.In Masterpieces of the Modern French Theatre. New York: Collier, 1967.
-----. Phaedra. Translation by Robert Lowell. Edited by Eric Bentley. In The Classic Theatre, Volume IV: Six French Plays. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1961.
-----. Phèdra. Edited and translated by R.C. Knight. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1971.
Diane J. Raynor, translator. Sappho's Lyre: Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
Ottavio Rinuccini. Lamento d'Arianna. Music by Claudio Monteverdi. London: Schott, 1956.
Seneca. Epistulae morales. In The Idea of the Labyrinth: from Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages by Penelope Reed Doob. 1990. Reprint. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
-----. Hercules Furens. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Seneca Tragoediae I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1917.

-----. Hippolytus. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Seneca Tragoediae I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1917.

-----. Medea. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Seneca Tragoediae I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1917.
----. Medea. Translated by Frederick Ahl. In Seneca: Three Tragedies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.
-----. Phaedra. Translated by Frederick Ahl. In Seneca: Three Tragedies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.
-----. Troades. Translated by Frank Justus Miller. In The Loeb Classical Library Seneca Tragoediae I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1917.
-----. Trojan Women. Translated by Frederick Ahl. In Seneca: Three Tragedies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.
Sophocles. Ajax. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles I. 1994. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
-----. Antigone. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
-----. Electra. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles I. 1994. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
-----. Fragments. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles III. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996.
-----. Oedipus at Colonus. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
-----. Oedipus Tyrannus . Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles I. 1994. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
-----. Philoctetes. Edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. In The Loeb Classical Library Sophocles II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
Algernon Charles Swinburne. Anactoria. Edited by Morse Peckham. In Poems and Ballads, Atlanta in Calydon. New York: Bobs-Merrill, 1970.
Theocritus. The Idylls. Translated by Robert Wells. 1988. Reprint. New York: Penguin, 1989.
-----. The Idylls. Translated by J. M. Edmonds. In The Loeb Classical Library The Greek Bucolic Poets. 1912. Reprint. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1938.
Verlaine. Ariettes oubliées. Translated by C.F. McIntyre. In Selected Poems. 1948. Reprint. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964.
Virgil. The Aeneid. Translated by Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage Classics, 1990.
-----. The Aeneid. Translated by H. Rushton Faircloth. In The Loeb Classical Library Virgil I: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid I-VI. Revised. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
-----. The Aeneid. Translated by H. Rushton Faircloth. In The Loeb Classical Library Virgil II: Aeneid VII-XII. Revised. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.
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